Missing or incorrect TAG/MEMO:
Please refer to this article.
Deposit of unsupported by Nexo crypto assets:
In general, Nexo does not offer a token/coin recovery service for crypto assets which are unavailable on our platform (i.e. tokens deployed on Ethereum (ERC-20), Polygon, Binance Beacon (BEP2) Chain, TronChain, etc.). Nexo will judge and determine if it is possible to retrieve such assets.
IMPORTANT! Please make sure to only transfer supported crypto assets over the respective Blockchain network supported by Nexo. Тransferring unsupported assets to your Nexo account will result in permanent loss.
Deposit to an address that doesn’t belong to Nexo:
Crypto assets sent to an address that is not associated with your Nexo account or doesn’t belong to Nexo cannot be recovered. Nexo does not know who controls those addresses and has no means of retrieving such assets. If you are aware to whom the address you sent your assets belongs, then in order to get your crypto back, please contact that address owner.
Please note that, if possible, to recover your crypto coins, we may need to install or upgrade the wallet software, export/import private keys, etc. These operations can only be conducted by authorised staff under strict supervision. Please be patient as it may take over one month to retrieve your crypto.