
Official Missing or incorrect Destination TAG (XRP) or MEMO (XLM – Stellar, BNB, EOS and Nexo BEP2)

Missing or incorrect TAG/MEMO: If you forgot or used an incorrect Destination Tag (XRP) or Memo (XLM, BNB, EOS, Nexo BEP2), then your deposit will not be credited to your Nexo account. Please submit a ticket to our Support team. In order for Nexo to verify the transaction and to expedite the process of locating…

Official Summary of missing crypto deposit

Missing or incorrect TAG/MEMO: Please refer to this article. Deposit of unsupported by Nexo crypto assets:In general, Nexo does not offer a token/coin recovery service for crypto assets which are unavailable on our platform (i.e. tokens deployed on Ethereum (ERC-20), Polygon, Binance Beacon (BEP2) Chain, TronChain, etc.). Nexo will judge and determine if it is…

Official What is Memo for XML (Stellar), BNB, EOS and Nexo BEP2 deposits?

When you click on “Top-up” button next to Stellar (XLM), BNB, EOS or Nexo (BEP2) position on your Nexo account a respective deposit address including a unique ‘Memo’ will be automatically created. This Memo is an extra piece of information that has to be included when sending a Stellar (XLM), BNB, EOS and Nexo BEP2…